New Album "Halaus" will be released 22th of April 2022
Pohjoisen soturit will be release a new album "Halaus"
The album has mostly brand new material, yet some of their older songs with new tweaks in them. Album is to be released 22th of April 2022.
Band comments: "Our new album is finally ready and it´s been a long journey since past fall. There were many problems during the process but they are all defeated now and we are ready for the launch!"
"Halaus"-album carries a theme of lurking death and it´s deadly, fatal embrace.
Pohjoisen Soturit released also a single "Tuonelan Valssi" with a music video. YouTube/Tuonelan valssi
And the new music video from the new album "Halaus", called "Kirje" is to be released 21th of April 2022. You can watch it already in here YouTube/Kirje
Best regards; Pohjoisen Soturit
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